Beyond the wine
What's in a bottle in addition to wine?
BOSCODIVINO is involved in innovation research, environmental and ethic assessment and in stimulating production and future use of low impact materials.Using any part of petrochemical materials always has an environmental impact and a certain cost on CO2 emissions. So we are proud to say that our bottles do not use neither plastic nor its derivatives.
We have selected our suppliers based on their quality standards and eco-logical profile : we prefer packaging with low environmental impact and high performance.
We intend to produce the best wine, with the best organic and eco-logical packaging.
To date, for a small company like ours, working with a low environmental impact means facing very high costs. We hope, therefore, that deeper environmental consciousness and a higher demand for low impact materials will raise in the near future. In this way we can ensure healthy competition by reducing costs: the whole world will earn from this!
We’ve decided to be a low environmental impact winery; for this reason we opted for an eco-friendly packaging and we’ve thus selected:
- bottles from recycled glass and of medium weight for lower CO2 emissions in the transport;
- 100% recyclable corks;
- recyclable shrink wraps, produced using biodegradable raw materials and green energy;
- labels from recycled paper;
- boxes from 50% mill broke and 50% recycled paper.
These packaging choices are the result of a long search, which differentiates us from other wine producers, because we did not leave anything to chance.
The bottle.
At the beginning, we were fascinated by the choices of some producers of sparkling wines who use coloured paper or plastic covering to wrap the bottle and thus preserve the organoleptic characteristics of the wine. We then realized that it was a mere waste of material and we entrusted to the classic dark glass bottle also for whites. The weight of the bottle has been subject to discussion. The consumer perceives the greater weight of the bottle as the best product quality. It follows, however, having a greater environmental impact due to higher CO2 emissions for transport. This is why we chose medium-weight bottles.
Our supplier is Euroglass - a Company located in Verona, with great expertise and a large variety of products.
The cORK.
All our caps are made of cork in order to keep the quality, refinement and romance. Cork is a natural, high-quality, ecological and 100% recyclable material. Our supplier is Amorim, a leading global Company for the cork extraction and its distribution. We enthusiastically take part to their “Ethics” project for the recovery of used corks. So, don’t waste your corks! Keep them and bring them to your nearest collection point.
We do the same and collect the corks in favour of a local association called “Brain".
The CORK cap.
Finding a 100% recyclable cap was the most arduous of research. Most of the caps currently used in the wine business are a non-recyclable waste, because they are made by a compressed plastic layer between two layers of aluminum which are in no way separable. Our Eco 3.1 cap uses a green type of Polylaminate derived from renewable and biodegradable raw materials (unlike conventional polymers) and does not require any consumption of fossil resources for its production.
Our supplier is Intercap.
The labels and the paperboards.
The paper of our labels is made 50% from recycled paper and 50% from sustainable forestry. At the time, the sustainable forestry seems to be the most environmentally friendly choice because you pull the paper from managed forests where trees get replanted and are used to the maximum. The market of recycled paper, however, is still not transparent and ecological in the process of collecting and treating waste paper. Our hope is that recycling will soon improveì, becoming more effective, transparent and sustainable. That's why we use waste paper for our boxes ! The glue and ink are water-based.
Our suppliers from Vicenza: Scatolificio Silva and Printing Polygraf.
"The skillful traveller leaves no traces of his wheel or footsteps"